Wednesday, 3 April 2013

The great foil quest of 2013

Day 1 of the great shopping challenge and we're stumped already.  Went to pack up our (for once) beautifully made wraps for lunch only to find that we've run out of foil.  Despite my handily placed chalk board where I'm supposed to write down anything we've run out of, I completely missed this in last week's shop.  Cue much scratching of heads.

Marks & Spencer, handily just across the road from the shop is obviously out.  Savers?  Nope, they're a national chain.  Boyes?  Not really.  They may have started life as a little shop in Scarborough back in 1881 (this is a quality blog you know, research and everything) but I think their current 40 shops puts them firmly outside our experiment.

Just as we were about to accept the mantle of defeat - or at the very least a delay while we did some more head scratching - the answer appeared.  The good old corner shop.  Minster News on Flemingate to the rescue.  5 minutes walk and we are the proud owners  5 metres of extra wide foil for the bargain price of £1.49.

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